Wednesday, March 18, 2009


helpful hints

Dear Kroger,

If you're going to sell fruit cups that you assemble manually from whole fruits, you might want to cut up larger pieces of fruit into sizes smaller than a golf ball.

Just a suggestion,
Dear Co-worker,

If you're going to ask me to proofread something, I'm happy to help. After all, someone paid a lot of money for my degree in English; it's nice to use it every once in a while. Before sending, however, could you please do your own spell check? It's a fairly easy to find button, even in the jacked up mess that is Word 2007. I realize technical documents have a lot of jargon in them, but when Word finds numerous actual misspellings, such as "wil", "foreward", and "therre", to name a few, please let it correct them.

Just a thought,

Tuesday, March 03, 2009


It's not just me....

Food IS the new sex. Researchers are studying it

So unless my eating and exercise habits change, even *I* won't be able to get into my pants....HA!

Sunday, March 01, 2009


Live and Learn

A common phrase, but one that made me think last night. I was out with some friends to celebrate a birthday of one in the group. So, in effect, I was "live-ing". I wasn't being a hermit, not interacting with the world (although I'm a big fan of such). We had a good dinner where I learned quite a bit about the birthday girl's boyfriend, a guy I've known for a while. Also learned a lot about her. H (the birthday girl) is not who any of us would have picked for P. She's sweet, funny, opinionated (in a good way). P is argumenative, boorish at times, funny a lot of the time and stubborn. But not with her. With her (according to H) he is sweet, funny, kind, caring and watches her cat (an animal he professes to despise). We kept asking her "P? Really? The one you show up with a lot? HIM? Do you drug him? Is he paying you to lie?"

As can happen, when we talk about P, one of his previous relationships comes up. M was someone we all tried to like for P's sake, but never could. She was not friendly, had to have things her way (not easy at a gathering of 20+), didn't seem to be nice to P or care much if he was around. Then the doofus goes off and marries her. Wha? So at dinner, when her name comes up and we all roll our eyes, H stops us with "You guys....don't be that way. He really loved her. She may not have been great to him, but he really cared about her, so be nice about her." Current girlfriend sticking up for not nice ex-wife. It would be all too easy for H to jump on the bandwagon, but she didn't. She cares about P. P cared about M. H has respect for that, even though she might not understand or agree with it. I like H quite a bit more for that, even if it's something I can't join her in.

After dinner, we went to a piano bar. Despite the snow, it was a lively jumping place. We managed to squeeze back to the back bar. As we made our way through the crowd, I saw a familiar face. I had no name or context for him, but just a feeling that I should know who he is. I didn't think much about it again until he came up and bummed a smoke. He, my friend L and I started talking. I remarked how I felt that I should know who he is. We discussed "where are you from? Where do you work?" and he asked where I went to college. I told him. He said "I'm Current President of Alma Mater". You could have knocked me down with an atom. He's lost a decent amount of weight since I saw him last, wasn't wearing a suit and was in a BAR for goodness sake. (You couldn't have paid the 2 people who were college Prez when I went to consider going to a piano bar.)

I've ranted here several times about "The Hamlet" and here I am face to face with its biggest proponent. Instead of blasting him or unloading my truckful of righteous indignation at the idea, I listened to his points. He wants to get the faculty, most of whom live 30 miles away, re-integrated with the students as neighbors, not just authority figures. The rather expensive housing will be financed in a way that will make it affordable for a professor and not wreck them come tax time. The trees that I've been so worried about weren't always there. They are barely older than I am. That land used to be a golf course and was planted with pine to build a nature trail. The nature trail will be rebuilt. All of the actual hardwoods were tagged and saved.

I don't know that I feel tons better about the project. I still think the idea of football is questionable, although I do get that it will help the college compete with some other small lib arts schools. I am still vehemently opposed to the roundabout the college has pushed for. I'm glad there is a watershed and wetlands area planned. I'm glad the college understands that the faculty will need help affording this housing and are trying. I'm glad I kept an open mind and listened.

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