Thursday, April 29, 2010


Are you a keeper?

Had an interesting discussion with a friend recently about how it would be to be a "kept" person. I'm not sure I could do it. As much as I'd like to think that a life as a woman of leisure would be fun, I know I'd have to have some intellectual stimulation. I like what I do. I like the subject. I like the feeling of accomplishment in helping solve problems, I like the study to keep up with a changing landscape. I suppose I could certainly keep my subscriptions, read blogs, work out problems and write about them in my "free time" if I were kept. I'd certainly have to spend more time at the gym and I'd have time to do that.

However, I've often thought about having "a poolboy". A pool would be impractical where I live, but a poolboy would not. If I suddenly found myself single, having someone available for my physical needs wouldn't be too bad.

Just saying.....

Friday, April 23, 2010


diversity and its dilemmas

I'm a well-rounded person in both physique and interest. Last night, I had an extreme example of the latter. When I got home from dinner with friends (helping out the former, actually) I had 2 TV shows competing for my interest: Round 1 of the NFL draft and the Season Finale of Project Runway. I'd missed a good deal of the draft and half the PR finale, but managed to flip adequately between the two.

Fav draft moment: didn't have one. Tim the Terribly Unsportsmanlike went higher than I expected (boo), but to a team I hate, so I don't have to see him on any of MY sidelines (yay). I call that a wash on the draft.

Fav PR moment: (from a conversation between The Incredible Tim Gunn and Seth Aaron) TITG: How many looks do you have?
SA: 24 (The finale requires each contestant to complete 10 outfits or looks)
TITG: Not how many pieces, how many "looks"?
SA: 24

And THAT, Ladies and Gents is why Seth Aaron is your PR2010 winner! YEAH SA!!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Worth my weight in gold....errr

How many hungry weasels could your body feed?

Created by Oatmeal

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Weekend Randomness

I'm digging hanging out with my rock and roll peeps, but it tends to make me want to have a very quiet night/day later. I've been busy enough all week that I just want to go all hermit-y for the weekend. Kinda sad to do that on a day as beautiful as today.

I really dig Texts From Last Night. I'm far too boring to do anything which would cause a text of mine or about me to show up there. Kinda like that and kinda don't. (No, Friend P, my fellow Crew Slut, this is NOT intended to be a challenge for you; it's a musing of mine.)

Have had a story floating in my head for about a week and a half. Need to get it written out. I don't think it will win a Hugo award or anything, but I'm excited about it.

I need to get back in a cooking groove. I've not cooked much lately and I miss it.

Starting a boot camp at a local gym this week. I'm pretty excited about it and still sore from the "how fit are you" 25 pushups I did. 21 more than I expected to do, so I'm kinda proud of myself.

"What Would Brian Boitano Make" is cheesy as all get out, but he does a good job of breaking recipes down, showing you that it's not rocket science and actually cooking.

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