Sunday, April 19, 2009


Do I dare?

As I'm browsing through all the apps in the iTunes App store, I'm drawn to the shopping list apps. I used to create my shopping lists on my PDA of the moment and loved the convenience of not having to remember to write something down or where my "current list" piece of paper was. However, those devices had disastrous end of life issues when they met the floor of the local Kroger. I've grown attached to the iPod and would hate for it to die in such a fashion. I do have a case for it, but I'm not sure that it provides adequate protection for a 4 1/2 ft fall onto linoleum.

sigh.....I'm still app-searching

Thursday, April 16, 2009



From a WaPo article today "operating an extremely lethal Gatling gun" Really? "Extremely lethal"? As opposed to just "marginally lethal", "slightly lethal" or what the Girls Gone Wild Dude and Hugh Hefner would probably like, "barely lethal"?

I've always been under the impression that lethal = dead and dead was dead with no modifiers or intensifiers needed. But what do I know....?

Wednesday, April 08, 2009


things I don't recommend

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