Tuesday, August 03, 2010



I've often said I'm too much of a commitment-phobe to get a tattoo. That there is nothing I'd want to see every day for the rest of my life. Then I got a look at some of the fine work over at Contrariwise. Literary (and mostly well-done) tattoos. Yes, most are freshly done, which certainly helps. However....
If I chose a literary marking, what would I choose? Shakespeare? And which? Sonnet, play? Faulkner? Wilde? Jong? AS Byatt? Which brings the question...I've met her. She's a proper British lady. Wonder what she'd think about her works being inked on one's body? I'm not sure if she'd be impressed, offended or non-plussed. Allende? Heinlein? He does have some really good zingers. My faves are probably NSFTattoo-ing.



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