Tuesday, October 04, 2005
No House??
It's October. Football season has started (finally). Yet, one of my favorite TV shows, House, isn't being aired tonight because of a baseball playoff game. Not to belabor the point, but Fox, "Who the f*ck cares? It's HOUSE night!!?!?!?" Skip the OC (sorry JB), skip the 70's Show, whatever, but leave me Hugh Laurie's piercing blue eyes and lovely sarcasm. Best I can tell, I'm out until next week. F*cking baseball. Apparently I'm not the only one. A cursory glance at the House message board on fox.com shows that there will be no House for a MONTH and no one is happy. Let's see, watch one spoiled brat doctor who is witty sometimes and has good story lines or watch 2 teams of overpaid men playing a game they played as kids and never got any better at. Hmmmm, which do I choose? House. Which does Fox choose to foist on me? Right. F*cking baseball....until November. Guess I'll have to start recording NFL games and watching them on Tues pm.