Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Still slow....
I've done some online shopping, had tea and since those fascists at Fox aren't airing an episode of Fox, I guess I'll have to wrap a few presents. I'm really not much of a wrapper (or rapper, for that matter), but I need to get my Angel Tree gift (at the very least) done.....sigh. What I really want is more tea and a long winter's nap.
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I've hardly even started getting christmas presents...I'm a typical last minute shopper. I could use some more tea too...it's that sort of weather.
You know that I'm no stranger to new pda (or new "anything for that matter) fever. Here is a good review I saw:
I go to brighthand with all my pda needs. Happy monday!
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I go to brighthand with all my pda needs. Happy monday!
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