Saturday, February 03, 2007
Super Bowl....solo
Most of the sports fans in North America are all a buzz over tomorrow's game. A good many non-fans are planning for Super Bowl Parties. Oddly enough, I'm doing neither. Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely looking forward to the game--my Beloved Bears are in and despite the predictions of every sportswriter, sports call-in show host and caller, I think they have a decent chance. But I don't do Super Bowl Parties. I have nothing against them as long as I don't have to go.
I'm a bit of a contrarian on many things and you could definitely make a good argument for me being anti-social. However, SBP's are wonderful for fans of PARTIES, but not so much fans of FOOTBALL. My fav SPB was last year at a neighbor's. During the actual game playing between the scads of commercials, the only sounds were the 5 of us eating, us making comments at the TV, and the host couple's daughter playing (quietly). During commercials, we talked, got food, got drinks and were back in our seats when play started up again. We had good game food: burgers, chips, dip, beer.
The Boy went to a "Party where the Super Bowl happened to be what was on TV". I've been to that particular one before. Giant TV, but no sound, lots of music, lots of chicks getting drunk and talking about fashion or their hair, or whatever, maybe 4 people out of 40 paying any attention to the game. Even when I don't care that much about either team (CAR vs NE 2004), that's not the way I want to watch the last game of the season. I do usually fix something and send with him, mostly so I don't have to eat all of a recipe of all by myself. He usually makes WONDERFUL popcorn to take and leaves me some. Think popcorn popped in olive oil with either garlic, rosemary, parmesan or carmel, orange and cinnamon (a FAR better combination than I thought it would be).
This year, I have two solo viewing options: here on top of the hill or in town at friend J's house. Why would I drive into town to watch the game at someone else's house? Someone who won't actually be home at the time? Simple: HDTV. J has it, we don't. And for 99% of the TV I watch, that is perfectly fine. But sports completely rock in HD. I've seen a few football games in HD and if I could rent an HDTV from Sept. to Feb., I'd be doing it. Going to J's would be a little inconvenient. I'm still not quite sure....and yes, I know I have about 24 hours to decide.
I'll keep you posted.....
I'm a bit of a contrarian on many things and you could definitely make a good argument for me being anti-social. However, SBP's are wonderful for fans of PARTIES, but not so much fans of FOOTBALL. My fav SPB was last year at a neighbor's. During the actual game playing between the scads of commercials, the only sounds were the 5 of us eating, us making comments at the TV, and the host couple's daughter playing (quietly). During commercials, we talked, got food, got drinks and were back in our seats when play started up again. We had good game food: burgers, chips, dip, beer.
The Boy went to a "Party where the Super Bowl happened to be what was on TV". I've been to that particular one before. Giant TV, but no sound, lots of music, lots of chicks getting drunk and talking about fashion or their hair, or whatever, maybe 4 people out of 40 paying any attention to the game. Even when I don't care that much about either team (CAR vs NE 2004), that's not the way I want to watch the last game of the season. I do usually fix something and send with him, mostly so I don't have to eat all of a recipe of
This year, I have two solo viewing options: here on top of the hill or in town at friend J's house. Why would I drive into town to watch the game at someone else's house? Someone who won't actually be home at the time? Simple: HDTV. J has it, we don't. And for 99% of the TV I watch, that is perfectly fine. But sports completely rock in HD. I've seen a few football games in HD and if I could rent an HDTV from Sept. to Feb., I'd be doing it. Going to J's would be a little inconvenient. I'm still not quite sure....and yes, I know I have about 24 hours to decide.
I'll keep you posted.....