Saturday, March 10, 2007
First signs of spring
Over the river and through the woods lies one of my favorite spring things: the Wye Mountain Daffodil Festival. Daffodils (I've also heard them called jonquils) are my favorite flower. They are simple, beautiful and smell incredible, some more so than others. I believe there are 5 acres (the website is frustratingly sparing of detail) of rows and rows of daffodils of all kinds. Big yellow trumpets and leaves, yellow leaves with deep orange-tipped trumpets, tiny baby daffodils that smell like jasmine. For me, it's great to just go smell (although I wish I were a little shorter at times...bending to the ground at 30-something and 5'7" isn't as fun as you'd think) and look. Even more fun is taking pictures. Several local photographers will set up there and take professional pictures, but it's just as fun to grab your camera and go if you're an amateur....I did!