Friday, March 09, 2007


Guilty pleasures

I don't have a lot of guilt and hence, you'd think no guilty pleasures. But I do have a few faves that are probably not great for me. Food is #1 on that list. Totino's Pizza (yes the $.99 at Target kind) is just one of those things I know I should never eat, but love. It's ultra-processed, not enough vitamins, protein or calcium to be even "pretend healthy". I did eat it with it wasn't all bad. Unfortunately, I also had pizza for lunch. And no greens then. Just delish pizza from a new place that has opened up in town. I agree with my boss that what's good for the local restaurant scene is going to be bad for the diet.
Speaking of diets, South Beach is starting to look good again. I need to be putting better fuel in my body so I can get better things OUT of it (especially if I ever make it to the gym again). My friend M and I are talking about going walking after Daylight Savings Time gives us more daylight late in the afternoon.

Chocolate, while a less than super healthy food is something I love, but I think I do a decent job with. I have good chocolates at work, but I'm reasonable about rationing them out. A package is never eaten in one sitting. Good chocolate and only one piece at a time.

So some pleasure, not much guilt.

You could always give up meat involuntarily and in the process of 2 weeks lose 7 lbs. Just a thought.


When I cut ALL animal by-products from my diet, I lost 5 more lbs, but gained it back when I eat cheese. OHHHHH how I looooooooove cheeeeeeese.

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