Friday, April 27, 2007


Warning warning!

The internet is a wonderful thing. It lets me search for recipes, do lots of research, feeds my news junkie-ness, lets me join communities of like minded folks for discussion and is highly entertaining (at a minimum). But like every medium, it has a downside. For me, the biggest problem isn't spam or pop-ups or porn. It's that my mother believes everything sent to her in email or found on the web.

If I sent her an email right now telling her that GWB is an alien from the planet Moobyville and that his goal is to infect everyone with a virus transmitted through gasoline which will cause their head to explode, she'd probably believe it. Actually, I'd have to get someone else to send it since I'm rather liberal and have gay friends and those gay-loving liberals lie a lot (in her estimation).

I've sent her the urls to, the Urban Legends page on, all to no avail. I suppose I'd be more tolerant of her willingness to believe if she were a little dim or poorly educated. Thing is, she's neither. She's otherwise fairly smart and has more formal education than anyone in my immediate family.


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