Monday, May 12, 2008


Music 'n Me

One of my more commonly-used phrases is "I live under a rock musically". Used primarily as sarcasm, not unlike "I'm a naturally mirthful person". When you look at my musical life, I'm sure it does seem pale. Until last week, I didn't own an iPod. That I do now is more luck at a conference than purposeful action. I did purposefully drop my card in their jar. I'm sure they were giving away something else that I probably wanted more. About 90% of my "radio time" is when I'm in my car, which is less than an hour a day most days. Even that isn't generally music; if I can find NPR, Jim Rome or something in that style, I'm listening to that.

Right now, however, I am VERY much enjoying Punch by Punch Brothers. It's a good thing I'm not driving. For music I'm really into, I tend to want to turn it way up, shut my eyes and float away on it. This is that kind of music. Safe in the confines of my home office. Not so great on a highway at 70 or a city street at 40. Hard to explain to the Boss if you're at work. The new Nine Inch Nails, Ghosts I-IV is much the same.

When Punch moves to the next song, the silence between each is almost jarring. A few banjo picks later and I'm floating again. This isn't a "Dueling Banjo's" kind of sound. I do like the "plinky-ness" of it. Rather like the way a harpsichord sounds.

So I do like music. But my driving is bad enough without me floating away at 70 MPH....

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