Saturday, May 31, 2008



I used to watch a lot of NBA games. Yes it was back in the MJ era when practically anyone with a TV watched the NBA. I had actually watched a few teams years before, then my interest waned, then I watched a lot, then it waned again. Kinda like a bell curve. Way back when I first watched pro bball, my team was the Boston Celtics. Don't ask me how a 10 year old from the south decides to like a team that plays in the heart of "Yankee-ville". So I'm always hopeful when they do well in the 4 month long post-season. This year is no different.

Go Celtics, destroy those lily-livered Lakers*

(*I do not like the Lakers. Not even Magic Johnson or Derek Fisher, two of the nicest guys on earth could make me tolerate them. Why do I not like the Lakers? Other than they were the opponent of the Celtics when I first started watching basketball lo the many years ago.)

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