Saturday, May 10, 2008


Phrases that have a different meaning to

Whole new ball of wax--I've used wax for several different things in my life. I've dipped candles, played at sculpting with soft wax, bought a hex candle (which I still have--never know when you need to hex someone). I've used hot wax for more "entertaining purposes". Heck, I've even dipped a bottle of Maker's Mark into the hot red wax that caps the bottle. Now, 3 balls of wax go into my mouth daily. Two to cover brackets on the "inside" of two teeth (i.e. the side of my teeth that my tongue hits) and one to cover the brackets on the "outside" of my bottom front teeth (to keep my jaws from getting caught). So when those wear out or I swallow them, I need....."a whole new ball of wax".
I actually prefer the silicone-based stuff my dentist gave me, but it requires that the area and the stuff both be dry. If I were putting this on my elbow, no problem. Dry areas in one's mouth tend to be few and hard to create.
Chew on this--No, really if it's OK with you, I'd rather not. Chewing sucks. Drinking large quantities of water, however, is quite fine, although I have yet to get to "enough". I think I'm making up for 5 days in the desert still. My normal 2 liters, not enough. I managed 3 liters one day this week, not enough.
Portion control--the amount I can eat before I am totally bored with the eating process. Bored with eating. That's not something I ever thought I'd experience. Even with delicious food, with things that I love. The way eating feels isn't great and the desire to eat is never as strong as the desire to stop. Smoothies are absolutely my friends these days and if I can keep the peanut butter out of them, they'll be pretty good for me too.....

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