Sunday, October 26, 2008


Blah, blah blah

I feel horrid. Have for a few days. Sinuses are finally calming down, headache is mostly gone, but I'm still drained, physically and mentally. My brain is also running at half power. What I really want to do is crawl under the covers and not come out. I don't have a fever, I'm not actually "sick", I just have the blahs. Today is our group exercise event and I don't want to go. Mostly because of the blahs, some because it interrupts my football and the other things I need to do today.

Do I NEED to exercise? Yes. Would it do me some good to be outside on a beautiful day? Absolutely. Would the company of my best friends help lift my spirits? Quite possibly. I should look forward to this. Last week, our walk on the Big Dam Bridge was fun. Today, I am surly about "having" to do something. I'm starting to annoy myself. I guess I should look in the mirror and say "Snap out of it dammit!"


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