Thursday, July 31, 2008


A to B

There are lots of personality tests out in the world. Birkman, Meyers-Briggs, etc. However, I am partial to one a friend made up. She focused on how a person delivered communication. Some folks wander all around a point before finally making it. Some people head in an odd direction, turn sharply and get there. And some are "A to B". Two points, straight line, no wandering, no turn.

Normally, I'm a wanderer. Big time. When I don't wander, however, I'm "A to B". To the point of nearly being rude. You want to gripe and wallow about something? I'm likely to think "Look, how many options do you have? One? OK, then let's go with that option and MOVE ON". Or "I don't want to resolve this issue with our current process" "OK, how do you want to do it?" "I don't know" "Figure it out and come back when you have".

I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm going to tick someone off today.....

Wednesday, July 30, 2008



"Use every man after his desert, and who should 'scape whipping?" One of many good quotes from Hamlet. And probably more true between you and your friends than you think. We love our friends...and they love us. Which is good, because we're probably more stupid with our friends than with anyone else.

Case in point. Friend of mine sends me an email, which, if I'd thought about the content and context a bit harder, I would have seen his point. I didn't, only considered it from my POV and sent back a rather sarcastic response. Which got me a longer note with him elaborating on a subject he didn't want to discuss in the first place. As I thought about it, what he was trying to get across in the first note was pretty clear. Why didn't I pick it up? "I didn't think" (An excuse that makes me want to rip out someone's liver when I hear it.) Why didn't I think? "I don't know" (Another of my least favorite things to hear and is most commonly heard in conjunction with "I didn't think"). Guilty guilty guilty as charged. And I still feel bad about it....quite bad, in fact.

That was just one thing....I'm sure I'll make some goof to someone else (or him again) or someone will make one to me. Because we're will be OK.

To all my friends who read this <> I love you guys!

Monday, July 28, 2008


Too much lunch

too little sleep and lots to do make EY a dull girl. Seriously, I'm going to either start ordering half portions when I eat at the kiosk or sectioning out half FIRST. I'd have nowhere to put it, but maybe distance in the takeout box would be enough.

I get that there are creatures in the back yard that annoy the basset. Her howling in the middle of the night annoys ME (and I get far fewer naps in a day).

And now I have a task that has boomeranged on me. I could have sworn that I'd gotten rid of it, but it's back.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Where do good moods come from?

I'm in a really good mood today. Got to bed way late, got up reasonably early, ran a couple of errands, so not to work early, but that's OK. Work is reasonable. Nothing horrible, but no inbox full of accolades.

Missed a call from a friend yesterday, but texted for a bit like we were 13 year olds. Nothing alarming or critical there either.

So I guess I'll take my good mood at face value, enjoy it while it lasts and try not to get bummed out about the tiny, TINY elastics I now need for my very very back teeth.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Games people play

Anywhere there is a system, people are going to want to game it. I suppose it's human nature of some to be unsatisfied that someone might be getting a break (deserved or not) that they're not getting. I don't pretend that I'm more noble than the average meatpuppet, but I've always felt uncomfortable taking advantage in situations like that.

Today, I ran across two. One is at attempt by a co-worker to get slotted into a job role she neither wants or is qualified for because it will help her stay in the area. I can understand that. She's comfortable here, she's built a life here and may not have the same opportunities elsewhere. Is she smart enough to convince someone that she's qualified for the new role? Likely, as she's quite bright. Does she in any way want to stop what she's doing now? My sources say "no".

In another instance, a group of folks at work want their jobs to be reclassified. Accuracy, they say is what they're going for, and have invited my co-workers and I go "join in". The new classfication doesn't fit. Not even close. However, it does have a higher pay scale, a fact I'm sure isn't lost on these people. Could we make a legit argument to join them? Oddly enough, if anyone fits the new category, it's most of my peeps (I do not fit neatly into the new category.). I flat out told my immediate supervisor that I'm not comfortable gaming the system for more money, although my enlightened self-interest says I'm probably stupid for doing so. If I'm doing enough good work to warrant more money, it would be nice if someone would throw me a few bucks. But to lie and pretend I have skills that I do not posssess, just isn't something I can be comfortable doing.

I'm sure the change will go through and it will facilitate the other folks getting more money. I'm sure there are things I do on a daily basis that they couldn't live with. But I've seen far more instances of questionable behaviour from them than from my closer co-workers. So while I'll admit to not being perfect, I'm also not surprised at the willingness of the other group to misrepresent themselves. I've long felt that these people were way overdue for a karma correction. I'll probably not see it if it happens, but I'm happier not joining in a lie.

Monday, July 14, 2008


Stay on the Farm

I like Brett Favre. Both as a player and a personality. I love his enthusiasm for football and his recognition that he's far from a perfect player. Most of the time, I've agreed with his decisions (other than a few wacky passes). However, I cannot in any way, shape, form or fashion be OK with his decision to come out of retirement. Brett Favre in any other uniform is a travesty. Yes, I know he played with Atlanta first, but he didn't do much there. Brett Favre is a Packer.

When he retired, it gave Aaron Rodgers a chance to put down the clipboard and have a shot at making his own impact. For Rodgers, this has got to be torture. For years, he's learned from one of the best QB's in the league. If McCarthy takes Favre back, Aaron goes back to the bench and likely won't be a Packer long. Then what does the Pack do when Favre REALLY retires? Rodgers is "the quarterback of the future" who deserves that future to start in August.

Yes, other teams could take Favre. But it would be like Jerry Rice playing in Oakland, Seattle and Denver. Like Broadway Joe playing as an LA Ram (and how awful were the Rams in LA ? ). Like Joe Montana playing as a KC Chief. Bad, just bad.

I know my opinion is like everyone else outside Favre's family and friends: meaningless. But as a fan of the game and the player, it's time to retire. And stay that way.


Monday, July 07, 2008



It was our own moral failure and not any accident of chance, that while preserving the appearance of the Republic we lost its reality. -Marcus Tullius Cicero, statesman, orator, writer (106-43 BCE)

Friday, July 04, 2008


Bad gardener

I try. Really, I do. But I'm not the best water-er. I've noticed a disturbing pattern. I'll forget to water for a few days, plants look like hell, I water, it rains. Sigh. Happened again today.

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