Sunday, November 26, 2006


Jewelry, the holidays and seratonin

If you believe the commercials that are on this time of year, men can't express their feelings without spending a significant amount of money on jewelry. Maybe in the strict hunter-gatherer sense this is true. Strong, evolved men seek out expensive, hard to get prizes as a symbol of devotion. I just don't buy it. If I had a choice between jewelry and a weekend alone with The Boy, I'd choose the weekend. For some men, buying jewelry would take a little sacrifice (or at least being careful with their sheckles), saving up, picking out just the thing for their lady and would be incredibly meaningful to the recepient. I know for The Boy, it might mean a few months of debt and a quick purchase to meet someone other than his intended's expectations. I have to wonder, how many women feel the same?
Yes, I have jewelry that is special. My wedding ring leaps to mind. A necklace and earrings that The Boy got me on our honeymoon is also very special. The latter are special not because he spent a ton of cash, but because we were out wandering in a fav town of ours and into an artist's shop. I liked them because of the stone and the artistry. He wanted to do something sweet for me, so he bought them. There have been a few other instances, but they've all been because he saw something I liked....not something a large diamond consortium thought he should buy.

One of the drawbacks of having a holiday event at your house is that you're left with the leftovers. Most our meal was starch-based (dressing, cake, cake, pie, potatoes) and so are the leftovers. The dressing is gone now, mostly because I couldn't stay out of it Friday and Saturday. There wasn't much of the mashed potatoes left, so that wasn't a problem. However, there are 2 cakes left. One is a ginger cake that seems to be getting more moist as the days pass. The reviews on the site where I got the recipe said it would be better a few days after you make it. They're right. However, I have absolutely no business eating most of two cakes. Some will be going to a breakroom at Big Faceless Corp soon.

But the upside of cake (and dressing) is that starches release chemicals which trigger seratonin. It's no wonder they're called "comfort foods". And there's a lot of comfort in ginger cake, eggnog, cheese toast, tortilla chips. Much more so than in an orange, turkey jambalaya or an apple. So I'll try to get rid of the things I don't need and keep on hand better choices.

Saturday, November 25, 2006


SEC Championship

AR made it to the championship....yeah! The game is the same night as a party I've already RVSP'd "yes" To make things more fun, the party is at a friend's house who has cats and as of late, Benadryl has quit working against my cat allergies. The game starts at 5, so it's possible that I could go to the party a few hours late, after the game. Knowing me, I won't want to "get out" at 8:30 or 9, especially since our get togethers haven't been the 3 am affairs they used to be.

However, the hosts will be at another party 2 weeks after theirs, so it's not like I can exactly avoid them for the next few months. I have to wonder whether or not they'll have the game on??

Friday, November 24, 2006


All gone

Family (both sides) are gone. Boy is too (there's a shock). AR lost the game in horrendous fashion. I've wondered when the real Razorbacks would show up in the season. I've been rather skeptical of the team that went 9-0. Got up early for a small version of MIL and I's Black Friday shopping trips. We went to a few places here in my town. Nothing big or exciting, although I did get a few good items. We left a little after 5 and were home by 9:30 (am). If we'd been in MIL's area, we'd have spent quite a bit more time out and I probably would have gotten all my Christmas shopping done.

Made dressing for the first time and everyone liked it. Made gravy for the second time and it was well-received too. Gravy was a guess and halfway follow the recipe just like last year (heh). Turkey wasn't dry and everyone liked it. Tried just doing turkey breast this time since that's mostly what everyone eats. Brined, as usual, with a brine mix I got at the new Williams-Sonoma. Love that store. It's almost as bad for me as a liquor store. I can't seem to get out of one of those for less than $100. WS's "cover charge" seems to be about $50 for me.

I think we had almost as much dessert as we did dinner, which is not a problem for me.

I'm thankful everyone liked our cooking; I'm thankful both families could get together and spend time together; I'm thankful we had fun today.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Slack week

The week of Thanksgiving is always dead here at Big Faceless Corp. Many people with vacation to burn, travels to make. Smarter folks use the quiet time to get caught up on the tedious things there's never enough time to do. Me, not so much. I play. Surf, play games, do a *little* work, post to my blog .

Having quite a bit of family in for the big day and I have pretty well everything under control. Garage may be a mess, but that's not what I consider to be my responsibility, so I really don't care. HouseBoy (very different from The Boy) is probably cleaning the house as I type. He does a really good job and I'm quite happy allowing my responsibility to be taken care of by someone else. I'm responsible for arranging and payment, I think that's sufficient.

I do find it odd that inside/outside "responsibilities" at the House have fallen into largely gender categories. House--Me; Yard--Boy. Sure I could mow the yard and he's definitely a good cook, but I like the kitchen to be CLEAN at all times. Him? Don't really know that he cares (although he gets ferocious about the stove, sometimes). Not sure I could deal with that. Admittedly, neither of us cares much about the yard. One of the great things about living out in the country is that it's not so big of a deal. "The wild look" is much more acceptable when everyone else's yard isn't prefectly manicured.

So I came home to a house so clean you can feel it and a Boy mowing the yard.....nice.

Friday, November 17, 2006


Beaujolais Nouveau est arrive!

And it's not bad this year. The Louis Tete is much less "tinny" than it has been in years past. The DuBouef tastes just like it always does. Kudos for consistency from a large conglomerate. I thought it funny that I had to get one of the guys at the liquor store to GET me a bottle of the Tete from the back. A store I'd been to Wed pm had it stacked in the aisle ready to sell (except you can't sell it until Thurs.)

Monday, November 13, 2006



Shiny......pretty.....and way cool.

Sunday, November 12, 2006


With apologies....

To SI's Peter King....A few things I think I think:
1.) Trip to Mom and Dad's wasn't as bad as I'd anticipated.
2.) Uncle George is still my favorite uncle. I know it's bad form to have favorite relatives, but seriously, he is.
3.) Dogs are cool. They add a lot to your life. If you have a dog, you understand what I'm talking about. If you don't, I probably can't explain it.
4.) Steeler's coach Cowher isn't as passionate as he usually is. Maybe he IS retiring this year.
5.) New Englad isn't playing like they really want to win games. The game against Indy was awful and today's against the Jets didn't sound much better.
6.) I have a decent ponytail. Not too many little pieces coming out. Cool.
7.) KC Chiefs beat San Diego, but lost to Miami. Odd.
8.) I need to write more in my travel blog and watch less TV.
9.) I need more patience with my mother, who is becoming HER mother. Especially since that's who I'll be in 30 years

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Oatmeal is not candy

Nor should it taste like it. I appreciate that the American sweet tooth is highly developed. However, Quaker, I don't need for my "Take Heart" oatmeal to be loaded with Splenda or sugar. Once again, I regret not making steel cut oats this weekend....sigh.


Weight, weight

As with most Americans, I worry about my weight. We actually have an ambivalent relationship, given that I'm a foodie. Last night's dinner of a lean ham sandwich on stick, nut and gravel bread, sauteeed red peppers and sauteed mushrooms was no doubt healthy...and very tasty. The thought of going to the gym at lunch to ride the stationary bike is quite a turn off. Yes, I'd get to read a magazine, but the bike is boring. I'd love to do another Straight Up Strength class, but those are only taught once a week. I'm still sore from Tuesday's class and I've been stretching a LOT. Still, it's the "good sore" you get from a good workout.
I also wonder quite often, What difference does it make if I look like I did when I graduated from college? I was significantly lighter, but I was also 22, not 35. I'm married now, so it's not like I "need" to be skinny to attract a guy. Today I'm not necessarily thin, but I'm also not in danger of being asked to do a remake of "Fat Actress".
I know all about eating healthy (rasied by a Home Economist), I don't eat a ton of crap, I know I'll feel better and be less stressed if I exercise regularly. Sigh. If I were single, it would be easy....if I didn't eat very light and kill myself at the gym, I'd have a horrid social life. Of course, I also wouldn't have a spouse who despite his evolved state on most things, really expects me to plan, shop for and cook dinner. Oh, the days when I could have yogurt and an apple for dinner.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Congrats SD!

Nothing like a little election victory to tell lawmakers that regulation is not required for a uterus. If the SD legislature was REALLY interested in lowering the number of abortions in the state, they'd be passing requirements for honest, complete and realistic sex education, better availability of contraception and more help for women who WANT to have children. But that's way to long for a soundbite.

Weren't conservatives the group that disliked excessive and intrusive government regulation into private matters?


Work out Nov. 7

*Did the "Straight Up Strength" class yesterday. Loved it loved it loved it. Except for the pushups. I'll have to start doing those some at home so I can get into the swing of doing them. Maybe on a countertop or in a corner since I really don't have the upper body strength to be doing them on the floor. A bit sore today, but it's definitely the "hey you worked out sore" which I like.

Today, I'll be chauffeuring a friend to pick up a shiny new (kinda) Jetta at lunch, so no workout, but there's also not a SUS class and I need to let my muscles rest anyway.

*Some people I know use their blog as a workout diary both for the tracking and accountability features. I'm giving it a shot. I expect these entries to be fairly boring to the handful of you who read this, but important to me. So there.

Monday, November 06, 2006



I was raised Methodist, went to a Baptist church for a while (and even a Baptist univ. for a semester of grad school), but for the past 15 years or so, haven't done much in any denomination or church. The Boy and I have discussed going to a local Episcopal church where we had our wedding reception, but haven't actually done it. We know a good number of people who go there and it's a familiar worship environment.
Yesterday, I went to a service there. It was primarily so I could be at the baptism of a friend's children (I'm a god mother now), but I also went looking for a "new church home". In addition to it being All Saint's Sunday and baptism for 3 kids, they had communion. That was a ritual I always loved growing up. Even though the Episcopals do it a little differently, I still do like it. I'm not sure Baptists EVER do communion. It didn't happen in the 3-4 years I went to a Baptist church. I realize that B's aren't much on formal rituals that smack of popery, and I can see how communion would fall into that category. Still. It was very meaningful.
Told the Boy that I'd like us to start going to church. He didn't say "no", but he wasn't terribly enthusiastic. No matter. I'll have to miss this weekend--ironically enough, I'm going to Mom's where I'll go to their Baptist church--but will catch back up the next weekend.

Sunday, November 05, 2006


Odd NFL day

Miami beat Chicago. Let me repeat that. The Miami Dolphins, who have lost to Buffalo, Houston, Green Bay; who have won ONE game previous to this one, over Tennessee by 3 pts. This team beat an undefeated rabidly defensive opponent by 18 points. Eighteen. Miami has only scored more than 18 points twice this year, including this game.
I like both teams, so it was a bit of a wash (albeit a shocking one) for me.

Detroit beat Atlanta. Can't help but think Michael/Mike Vick must not have had a good game. All the hype of a real quarterback, none of the consistency.

NYG squeaks by Houston. Houston. It's going to be a long week for you guys.

Washington beat Dallas. That's almost as surprising as Miami/Chicago. Washington has played horribly this year. I was thinking that if Dallas got things together, they'd wipe the floor with the 'Skins. Glad they didn't.

Tonight's Sunday night game is going to be great. I don't really like either team, but I am so.freaking.tired of Indy. This will be their last real test of the season. The rest of their schedule (BUF, DAL, PHI, TEN, JAX, CIN, HOU, MIA) will be easy for them. Belichick has Manning's number. And it's at Foxboro.....bwahahahaha.

In near-football news, I really hate the Chevrolet commercial with John Mellencamp singing "Our Country". I've never liked him much and this one doesn't help. Wanna do something for "our country", Chevrolet? Cool. How about raising the MPG of a pickup to 30 and all cars to 50? Real MPG, not the unrealistic estimates the EPA comes up with.

Friday, November 03, 2006



This year, I will be a deer widow. Or as it should more appropriately be pronounced "deer widder". Probably one or two weekends, I'd think. Can't see the Boy taking weeks and weeks for hunting. That and I think our trip to Italy blew off too much of his vacay. I've always found the concept interesting. Men disappearing for weeks/weekends, wives going wild. I guess. I can't imagine it will be vastly different from other weekends when he's gone. Biggest difference is that he could come home with something dead. I'm not much looking forward to that. Granted, I could get a long-sought-after deep freeze out of the deal, but he'd put his dead animal in it.
I'm rather a reluctant carnivore. I know where meat comes from, but I don't like to think too much on it. And eating Bambi's mom or dad is just too much.

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